A kind of fungal infection (mikoz, ringworm) – this is a contagious disease, skin lesions, feet, fingers, Inter digital sites. Pathology lesions often combined with nail – men women. Why microscopic fungi dermatophytes fungi, mold and yeast results.

If left untreated, the fungus spread, mid-foot, your whole leg. This development increases the risk of infection erysipelas, training, the incidence of skin and mucous membranes, allergic reactions, warts, skin. The response of the body to perceive, antibacterial drugs, other diseases are difficult to treat.
Foot fungus causes
Why athlete's foot is usually contagious, fungi Ascomycota. Why some keys and ruberoida rubromikoz, occupation, more than 70% of diagnostic and mushrooms. Approximately 10% of the world's population fungus the patient stop.
Mold and yeast-like fungi strike in the legs, less his own share, accounting for up to 1.5% of cases.
Foot fungus infection for what reasons:
- Somatic pathology.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Cooling foot.
- Diabetic foot diabetes symptoms.
- Dermatological diseases – psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema.
- Valgus deformation, etc. foot pathology.
- Visiting the have to walk barefoot in public places (saunas, swimming pools, fitness centers).
- Excessive sweating, skin, feet (hyperhidrosis are caused by other diseases or innate).
- Immune children and elderly persons. 2. in the patient group, men more often faced with mushrooms, your nails fans already on their feet, both men and women.
- A method of abuse, antibiotic therapy, glucocorticosteroids, policyholders, immunosuppressants. Factor adverse effects, the incidence of fungal infection and improves immunity.
- A professional factor in the development of Mushroom workers means the possibility of infection, baths, swimming pools, metallurgical and coal industry, athletes, soldiers.
- Telling him to stop the skin from formation injuries Calluses, cracks, Calluses.
Favorite, in the sky, Nasser and hyperkeratosis with subsequent formation of the wart, the plots for foot fungus be. The loss due to impaired local immune control of the localization, the development of human papilloma virus infection.
Clinical The Shape of foot fungus
The tension depends on the type of foot fungus external symptoms, a process of participation and to some extent an exciting skin, hair and nails feet. There is a similar athlete and rubromikoz, therefore bring together the doctors, called them "mushroom"stop.

This type of fungus with features such as dermatologists include the following:
- Postage.
- Presence some point in their lives, similar to a rash).
- Sweat glands not functioning.
- Onychomycosis, flowing normotroficheskie, atrophic or hypertrophic type.
Seems to describe in the form of fungal foot ulceration. In the first stage, redness and skin peeling. The modified plots a different frame. Itching occurs. all of the patients.
Most patients notice any symptoms fungus. They appeal to the clinic and the pathology gives that Fluffy was robbed disgidroticheska to change the form.
There will be bubbles visible signs of a fungus more than one foot in diameter disgidroticheska 2 to 8 mm. They merge, large pockets, one opened, and in the form of erosion.
Belt with foot fungus spreads, the outer and inner edge. This extensive erosion, have a blast and blisters, diaper rash. Patients complain of pain, itching and the difference is falling apart.
If left untreated, a fungal infection that is complicated by a bacterial. Symptoms there is secondary infection purulent content in the bubbles with fuzzy Transfiguration mass, increased body temperature, swelling and significant redness.
Intertriginosny stop fungus is considered the most common. She develops the self-squamous form on any background. 4 and 5 effects a foot with toes skin, the less develops in the space between 3. and 4.fingers.
Basic symptoms of foot fungus fold:
- Itching and burning sensation.
- The case of a white ring in the cracks of the skin (epidermis peeling occurs in the boundary).
- Monroe between the toes of the affected limb.
- Strong pain erosions backup crack plot.
- Relaxation followed by a decline of local immune skin. Cause inflammation of the skin with pus and streptococci penetrate a loose structure. The tissue swells, reddens, pain increases. The general condition of the patient worsens.
The erosion lesion due to candida symptoms Candida has a kind of stop finger between the effectiveness of fungus. Modified between 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 with the fingers through the pockets of the lower extremities.
The edematous skin of the patient. Healthy tissues separating him from "corbel" fell of the epidermis. Pustules and blisters forming a rash of a troubled neighborhood.
The fungus amazes toes, foot, patient's diagnosis can be overwhelming "onychomycosis". In the first stage, the pathology of the thumb nail at the free edge of the foot you can see the yellow lines and spots. Onychomycosis is characterized by thickening of the hypertrophic and fragile, flaky skin that can be seen under the plate.

Men and women atroficeskom a damaged nail structure. Under a modified stepping up to the plate in hardened leather. If due to failure of developing foot fungus onychomycosis, the nail plate bought, brown, black, or yellow color Yesil. Parodied that accompany the process – the ear infection nail bed.
Diagnosis and treatment stop the fungus
Crossed for foot fungus treatment, the best way you will need to visit a doctor if you already have the first symptoms diseases. The symptoms of vaginal thrush because the clinical features are nonspecific and the same Other him for you to distinguish an expert on dermatological diseases, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Ill pass for any class you define to identify the factors and accessories mushrooms:
- Scraping nail.
- Microscopy.
- Microbiological study.
- DNA diagnostic material.
By solving, more, treatment, fungus, athlete's foot, or space between the fingers and the nails, the dermatologist look at the system and the usefulness of combination therapy.
Is the patient clear about the destination but not necessarily treatment. Local antimycotic treatment to develop the use of various antifungal agents and basic circulation and resolve drug exposure, concomitant pathologies.
For prevention of re-infected patients recommended for disinfection, personal items and home accessories, general use.
Foot fungus treatment systemic
Moderate and severe systemic drugs pill capsule shown avium action and it's a process. Conducted under strict medical supervision because many side effects by taking them.
The determination of the antifungal mushrooms to remove the foot with two groups:
- Synthesis.
- Alkylamines.
Also find application in the treatment of antifungal medicines fungal foot fungal effect. They inhibition of growth and total destruction of the parasites.
Local action Antifungal
Methods of treatment treatment, fungus foot, local effects value separately to say that preparations for the event. Simplicity provides various dosage forms antifungal skin treatment. This ointments, lotions, sprays, creams, drops and standing against powdered Cork.
Delete quotes prescription a complete defeat. Fungal colonies bring the target of the operation, spoiled plates and applications to improve the efficiency antifungal ointment. Removal sterile conditions to carry out any surgery, any help patches and ointments, anti-mildew, capable no sacrifice quotes.
Antifungal drugs traditional medicine
According to dermatologists, pharmacy drugs without to allow you to use folk remedies foot fungus fungus in the early stages, when no obvious symptoms. In other cases, only the doc conventional medicine complementary base target. A comprehensive approach to the patient foci of inflammation and local immune support for a faster refund.
Stop home treatment folk remedies recipes using yeast:

- Herbal decoction lavage. Oak bark, dried strawberry, berries, grass, and marigold flowers mixed in equal amounts.3 tablespoons of herb, collecting 200 ml of water to a boil on a low flame. After 20 minutes, drain and warm as the composition of the used irrigation hoses, compresses the troubled lands to enlarge.
- From the ashes of ointment. To connect with sifted wood ashes until a thick mass training fat lard. On the legs, apply the product morning and evening after the hygiene procedures.
- Copper sulfate ointment, sulphur and yellow. To prepare the medicine, a fat pig, shake equal amounts of the ingredients. A lot, bring to a boil, then you can take a toll, a dark room and wait has cooled. A foot treatment Sulfur Ointment vitriol exercise several times a day.
- Milk and tea bath. Armful of fresh herbs is poured a 2 – 3 litres capacity with boiling water, wrapped an old blanket. Then 3 – 4 hours for foot baths and herbal medicines use the infusion filter. The session duration is 45 minutes. Bathing suit, every 2 – 3 days will completely mikoz.
- Coffee bath. Foot fungus treatment at home that you're looking for a simple recipe as" recovery next instant coffee. Brewed beverage the correct amount of water poured into the basin and flying tight feet. Number of treatment – 1 – 2 days. The landscape exudes a breath odor and eliminate pathogenic flora task no foot.
- Bath, wine, vinegar. With hot water before going to bed wash your feet and with the pelvis placed wine vinegar a powerful solution. 3 – 5 minutes on foot from the frost, and delete socks, wet in this solution. The routine returns, antiseptic effect.
Also disinfect floors in room and bathroom, a stall shower and toilet are available. It is desirable to avoid in the future, and general use in wet environments.
The best preventive activity in combating the fungus is able to prevent the disease, strengthening the protective properties of the body. This method is low-cost, however, the most effective and efficient. You must agree with the doctor medicated and traditional treatments, as with any self that could trigger dangerous complications later, which is much more than the fight with heavy and long.
To prevent re-infection to comply with the rules of hygiene must, necessarily, there were towels and sheets disinfecting log. To be treated timely and effective, should be timely, and consult a doctor.